Thursday, August 26, 2010

Linux Permissions

It doesn't belong here ... but was worth sharing.
  • chmod /*change the permissions of a file*/
  • chown /*change the owner of the file*/
  • chgrp /*change the group that the file belongs to*/
chmod 777 somefile.file /*this gives exe write and read to all */ not recommended for any file.

For chmod here is a list of the numbers and what they mean
  • the 100's are for the owner of the file
400 reed
200 write
100 execute
  • 10's are for the group of the file
40 read
20 write
10 execute
  • 1's are for everyone else
4 read
2 write
1 execute

you add the number together to get different permissions

Time is the most precious thing one can give . -S

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